ISMAAP Imprint

The mission of this website:

This website ( of the International Self-Monitoring Association of oral Anticoagulated patients (ISMAAP) will offer patients a better understanding what coagulation means. How to live with anticoagulants. What kind of risks exist and also the benefit for anticoagulated patients.

The mission of ISMAAP:

The main activities of ISMAAP focus on patients on long-term oral anticoagulation, motivating them to take control of their own oral anticoagulation therapy and consequently achieve a better quality of life. Accordingly, the Association intends to issue patient guidelines that take into account the culture of international groups and the different status of patients (age, educational level, family environment, etc.).

The information provided on this website is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician.

We thank our members for supporting:

"INR-Austria (Austria), GIRTAC/VIBAST (Belgium), Akpatient (Denmark), AVKontrol, (France), Arbeitskreis Gerinnungs- und Herzklappen-Patienten (Germany), FEDER-A.I.P.A. (Italy), STIZAN (Netherlands), F.E.A.S.A.N./AVAC, (Spain), INRswiss (Switzerland), AnticoagulationEurope (ACE) (United Kingdom)".

We thank all authors for the articles, which were published in „Die Herzklappe“ and „Die Gerinnung“ (Germany), „INR-Review“ (United Kingdom) as well as „La Voce dei pazienti anticoagulati“ (Italy), "Prothrombine" (Belgium).

ISMAAP – International Self-Monitoring Association of oral Anticoagulated Patients

International Advisory Medical Board

Ron van't Land, MD, Ede, The Netherlands

Heinrich Koertke, MD, has passed away on March 2nd, 2015. Since 2002 Heinrich Koertke was a member of our ISMAAP-advisory board and he played a decisive role in our work. His ESCAT-Studies gave him an international reputation. Heinrich Koertke has been a great asset to self managed oral anticoagulation therapy (OAT) and has been a faithfully contributor in the field for many years. Also his trend-setting work in the field of telemedicine in Germany gave innumerable patients a better health condition. We will miss him badly. Christian Schaefer


Jack Ansell, MD, New York, USA
Dr. med. Artur Bernardo (AB), Gais, Switzerland

Dr. med. A.C. Bortsch (BO), Ratingen, Germany

Marianne Gill (MG), United Kingdom
Cees N. de Graaff (CNG), Driebergen, The Netherlands
Michael Hasenkam, MD, Aarhus University, Dept. Of Clinical Medicine
Renate Kilborn (Ki), Psychologist, Heart- and Diabetes-Center NRW, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany

Eve Knight (EK), Bromley, United Kingdom

PD Dr. med. Heinrich Koertke†
Marcel Levy, MD, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

Preben Mandrup Johansen, Vadbro, Denmark
Dr. med. Wolfgang Prohaska (WP), Heart- and Diabetes-Center NRW, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany

Dr. med. Hannelore Rott (HR), Duisburg, Germany
Christian Schaefer, (CS) Ratingen, Germany

Uwe Schwan (US), Graduate Sports Instructor, Germany
Michael Schwartz, MD, USA
Klaus Undeutsch, MD, Bad Berleburg, Germany

Editorial Assistants:
Christiane Schaefer

ISMAAP, Geneva
Represented by Christian Schaefer

Webdesign and realisation:
medicalvision GmbH
Ruhrtalstr. 69
D-45239 Essen (Germany)

This web site is protected by the copyright of ISMAAP, c/o Lenz & Staehelin, Andreas Rötheli, 30 Route de Chêne, 1211 Geneva. Permission of the Editor is required to store electronically any material contained in this website, including any article or part of an article.

Exclusion of liability
No responsibility is assumed by the Editor for any injury and/or damage or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, independent verfication of diagnosis and drug dosage should be made.

Notice to patients:
Please speak to your doctor before taking any medication other than that which has been prescribed by him. Please always tell the pharmacist that you are on oral anticoagulation therapy when purchasing any medication over the counter. This also applies to creams and gels as well as to tablets. Speak to your doctor before applying any therapy subsequent to the aforementioned information.

9th of June. 2015

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